Google Summer of Code 2018 with Debian - Week 5
Posted on Wed 20 June 2018 in GSoC
During week 5, there were 3 merge requests undergoing review process simultaneously. I learned a lot about how code should be written in order to assist the reader since the code is read more times than the time it is written.
Services and Utility
After the user has entered their information on the signin or signup screen, the job of querying the database was given to a module named updatedb. The job of updatedb
was to clean user input, hash password, query the database and respond with appropriate result after the database query is executed. In a discussion with Sanyam, he said updatedb
doesn't conform to its name with what functions it incorporated. And explained the virtue of Service and Utility modules/functions and that this is the best place to restructure code with the same.
Utility functions can be described roughly as the functions which perform some operations on the data without caring much about the relationship of the data with respect to the application. So, generating uuid, cleaning email address, cleaning full name and hashing password becomes out utility functions and can be seen in for signup and similarly for signin.
Service functions can be described roughly as the functions which while performing operations on the data take their relationship with the application into account. Hence, these functions are not generic and application specific. sign_up_user
is one such service function which received user information, calls utility functions to modify that information, query the database with respect to the signup operation i.e. adding the new user's detail to the database or raise SignUpError
if details are already present. This can be seen in services module for signup and signin as well.
Persisting database connection
This is how the connection to the database used to work before the review. The settings module used to create the connection to the database, create table schema if not present and close the connection. Few constants are saved in the module to be used by signup and signin in order to connect to the database. But, the problem is, now database connection has to be established everytime there's a query to be executed by the services of signup or signin. Since the sqlite3 database is saved in a file alongside the application, I though it'll not be a problem to make connection whenever needed. But it overhead on the OS now which can slow down the application when scaled. To resolve this, now settings return the connection object which can be used again in any other module.
Integrating SignUp with Dashboard
While the SignUp feature was being reviewed the Dashbaord was merged and I had to refactor SignUp merge request accordingly. The natural flow of this should be the SignUp being the default screen up on the UI and after successful signup operation the Dashboard should be displayed. To achieve such a flow, I used screen manager which handles different screens and transition between them with predefined animation. This is defined in main module and the entire flow can be seen in action below.
Designing Tutorials and Tools menu
Once user is on the Dashboard, they have an option of picking up from different modules and going through the tutorials and tools available in the respective modules. The idea is to display difficulty tip as well so it becomes easier for the user to begin. Hence, below is what I've designed in order to incorporate the same.
Implementing Tutorials and Tools menu
Now comes the fun part, thinking about the architecture of the modules just designed in order for them to take shape of some code in the application. The idea here is to define them in a json
file to be picked from the respective module afterwards. This way it'll be easier to add new tutorials and tools and hence we have this resultant json. The developement of this feature can be followed on this merge request
Now remains the quest to design and implement the structure of tutorials which can be generalized in a way that it can be populated using a json file. This will provide flexibility to the developer of tutorials and a UI module can also be implemented to modify this json to add new tutorials without even knowing how to code. Sounds amazing right? We'll see how it works out soon. If you have any suggestions this make sure to comment down below, on the merge request or reach out to me.
The Conclusion
Since the SignUp has also been merged I'll have to refactor SignIn now to integrate all of it in one happy application and complete the natural flow of things. Also, the design and development of tools/tutorials is underway and by the next blog is out you might be able to test the application with atleast one tool or tutorial from one of the modules on the dashboard.